Refuge Acupuncture

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Auricular Acupuncture in Denver

Relieve pain, Rest Easier, and Heal

Auricular therapy uses the acupuncture points in the ears. The ears represent a microsystem of the entire body. Specific areas of the ear reflect specific areas of the body, including internal organs. There are also empirical points on the ear for various conditions. There are many nerve endings in the ear and stimulating them can have powerful effects on the nervous system.

double exposure of a man feeling peaceful after auricular acupuncture

We listen to you ears because they speak for you

Ears can also be used diagnostically. Areas of redness, veins, bumps and dry spots can all indicate imbalances in the corresponding areas of your body. For example, someone with a chronic knee injury will often have a dark vein in the part of the ear that corresponds to the knee.

A little time, and little investment, and a big impact

Auricular acupuncture uses small needles, vaccaria seeds, silver and gold pellets, and small tacks in the ear to stimulate acupuncture points. Many of these options are left in the ear for 2-7 days and can be used as a take-home treatment. Stimulating the ear points yourself in the days between acupuncture appointments can increase the effectiveness of your treatment.

Your Health Investment at Refuge Acupuncture

Your investment at Refuge is simple to understand and inclusive of all modalities needed to heal the whole human.

First time
facial acupuncture


Follow up
facial acupuncture


renew product
Herbs for healthy skin also available.

Because beauty is not just skin deep or limited to your face, acupuncture for the whole body is also recommended to go along with facial acupuncture. Acupuncture for wellness has a long history of success in treating a variety of physical and mental health complaints. We also offer acupuncture for fertility. At Refuge, we want you to be at your very best, inside and out.